Pre-Tax Savings Account Program

​Pre-Tax Savings Account Program

The Pre-Tax Savings Account program allows you to set aside money on a pre-tax basis to pay for everyday medical, dental, vision, day care, parking and transit expenses.  These accounts are also known as Flexible Spending Accounts.  LTEs are only eligible to participate in the Pre-Tax Parking and Transit Account​ programs.

Account minimums have been impleme​nted for plan year 2025​​​.  This impacts the following accounts:

  • Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
  • Limited Purpose FSA
  • Parking account
  • Transit account​

Minimum annual election is $50​​

All plans are managed by Optum Financial.

See the Pre-Tax Savings Accounts​​​ ​page on the Department of Employee Trust Funds website for full details.

Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

A Healthcare Flexible Spending Account allows you to set aside pre-tax dollars for health care expenses not covered by insurance.  You may use the funds to pay for eligible expenses incurred by you, your spouse and qualified dependents.​

Plan Year and Carryover

The plan year is 1/1/XX - 12/31/XX.  You have access to your full annual election as soon as coverage is effective for the year.  All expenses must be incurred within the plan year.  For plan year 2025, if not all funds from plan year 2024 were used, $610 will carryover in to the 2025 plan year.  Any remaining balance over $610 will be forfeit.

**balances less than $50 at the end of 2024 require the minimum election; balances greater than $50 will automatically rollover with no election for 2025​

2025 Annual Contribution Limit

  • $3,200​

Eligible Expenses

Use the medical expense eligibility tool on Optum's website for a partial list of eligibile expenses.​​​

Limited Purpose Health Care Flexible Spending Account (LPFSA)

The LPFSA is similar to the Health Care FSA but is only for employees enrolled in a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP).  Funds from this account can be used to pay for eligible dental, vision and post-deductible medical expenses.  All other provisions of the plan match the Healthcare FSA.

Dependent Day Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

A Dependent Day Care Flexible Spending Account allows you to set aside pre-tax dollars to pay for eligible day care expenses for qualified dependents in order for you (or your spouse) to work, look for work, or attend school full-time.

Plan Year and Carryover

The plan year is 1/1/XX - 12/31/XX.  You have access to funds once they are deposited in your account.  All expenses must be incurred within the plan year - there is no carryover provision.  Unspent funds are forfeit.

2025 Annual Contribution Limit

  • $5,000 

Eligible Expenses

Use the medical expense eligibility tool​ on Optum's website to search for eligible dependent care expenses.​​​

Parking and Transit Accounts

A Parking and Transit Account allows you to set aside money on a pre-tax basis to pay for eligible parking and transit expenses.

Plan Year and Carryover

The plan year is 1/1/XX - 12/31/XX and you can enroll or make changes at any time.  You have access to funds once they are deposited in your account.  There is unlimited carryover.

2025 Annual Contribution Limit

  • $3,780 (can contribute up to $315/month)​​

Eligible Expenses

See the Commuter benefits overview page on Optum's website for details.

If you already have pre-tax payroll deductions to directly pay for a state parking lot/garage or for Vanpool, these expenses are NOT eligible for the Parking or Transit program.