Virginia Hart Special Recognition Award
The Virginia Hart award’s emphasis is on recognizing “unsung heroines” in state service, thus providing encouragement and recognition to all women in state government. The award seeks to recognize women who share the following qualities: esteem from peers; acceptance of responsibility beyond the limits of the nominee’s job description; sustained, extraordinary achievement of assigned tasks; performance recognition from clients; community service; self-improvement; and overcoming hardships to performance.

Photo credit Department of Health Services (2024 Virginia Hart Award Winner - Trisha Kilpin from DOJ, pictured above:Erin Sullivan, Miles Kilpin, Kathy Blumenfeld, Josh Kaul, First Lady Kathy Evers, Governor Tony Evers, Trish Kilpin, Jen Flogel, Rick Kilpin, Laurice McGinnis Lincoln, Gabby Aranda)

Photo credit Department of Health Services (2024 Virginia Hart Award Honorable Mention - Janet Kazmierczak from DHS, pictured above:Paula Tran, Kathy Blumenfeld, First Lady Kathy Evers, Governor Tony Evers, Janet Kazmierczak, Jen Flogel, Laurice McGinnis Lincoln, Gabby Aranda)