Filing a Grievance

​Adverse Employment Decision Grievances

Employees, other than those represented by WLEA, may file a formal grievance contesting only the following adverse employment decisions if the employee alleges that the action was taken without just cause:

  • Demotion

  • Layoff

  • Suspension

  • Discharge

  • Reduction in base pay

All grievances must be filed using the official grievance form (DOA-15802).

An employee's Step 1 grievance must be filed with the employee's designated agency representative, usually Human Resources, within 14 calendar days from the date the employee first became aware, or should have become aware, of the matter being grieved.  This typically means 14 days from the date of the letter the employee received informing them of the action.  If the grievance is denied at Step 1, the employee can appeal to Step 2 by using the same form. Grievance Contact List​​

A Step 2 grievance is electronically submitted to not later than 14 calendar days from the date of the Step 1 decision.

Conditions of Employment Grievance

​Employees may also file a grievance on issues related to conditions of employment as defined in Wis. Admin. Code Ch. ER 46.  The Step 1 grievance must be filed with the employee's Human Resources office within 14 days of the employee's awareness of the condition of employment being grieved.   Employees must use form number DOA-15802 Adverse Employment Action and Condition of Employment Employee Grievance Form when filing a conditions of employment grievances at any step of the process.