Disability Insurance - Income Continuation Insurance (ICI)

​ICI Plan Summary

The Income Continuation Insurance Program (ICI) is an income replacement plan that replaces up to 75% of your salary if you are unable to work because of sickness or injury.  The plan provides replacement income for disabilities that are considered short term in nature, as well as those that my last for an extended period.

Coverage and Premiums

Effective 2/1/2024:

ICI premiums are determined by your annual salary and your accumulated sick leave balance.  Premiums are reviewed and adjusted annually.

Premiums are based off your earnings up to $120,000.  

Enrollment Options

New employees can enroll within 30 days of hire.

If you do not enroll when initially eligible, you may have additional opportunities through Deferred Enrollment when you become eligible for a lower premium category based on your sick leave.  You are eligible for deferred enrollment if one of the following occurs:

  • The 1st time you qualify for premium category 3 by earning and retaining 80 or more hours of sick leave in the previous calendar year (pro-rated if part-time).
  • The 1st time you accumulate 520 or 728 hours by the end of the previous calendar year
  • Following any year that you accumulate 1,040 hours of sick leave

Employees who do not enroll within their initial 30-day enrollment period may apply at any time through Evidence of insurability (enrollment is not guaranteed).

ICI Benefits

If you file an ICI claim, benefit payments will begin the later of 30 calendar days or the use of all your sick leave, up to 1,040 hours.