Training Forms and Templates

Do you have an enterprise training that needs to be developed?

This process is only for "enterprise" trainings, which means they are available to all state staff.  If the training you want developed is specific to your agency or a program within your agency, please do not use this process.

Download one of the fillable forms below, fill it out and send it to


For each course you request, we'll also need to know what to put in STAR ELM so users can find it and see the details.  Fill out and submit the STAR ELM Training Setup Questions form for each class you are coordinating.

  1. Download ONE of these forms based on the type of course you are coordinating. Then fill it out and send it to
  • eLearning (an online only course) -  DOA-5204 Enterprise Request for Training OR
  • Instructor Led Training (a lecture course in person) - DOA-5203 Enterprise Request for Training


  1. Then fill out this form to tell us how you want to enter the details in ELM.
  • DOA-5205 STAR ELM Training Setup Questions

Please submit your completed forms by clicking the blue button below. 

Agency request process coming soon.

DPM Training Team