Coronavirus - COVID-19 FAQ

​Use of Sick Leave and Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Leave​

General Policy:  Discretionary leave may be limited.  Use of sick leave or FMLA-qualifying leave will be administered in accordance with existing labor agreements and state administrative code, unless application of leave provisions are modified by Executive Order of the Governor or the federal government.​

1. Is pandemic influenza or COVID-19 an FMLA qualifying condition and will I be able to use FMLA leave?

While influenza is generally not covered by FMLA, complications arising from influenza or COVID-19 may qualify for FMLA leave in relation to the employee's own illness or the illness of a qualifying family member. The usual medical documentation may be required.

2. Updated 7/13/2020 - What if my children's school or day care provider is closed and I have no one else to take care of the kids?

Employees may request to use vacation, personal holiday, comp time, sick leave or leave without pay. In addition, portions of s. ER 18.03(4)(c), Wis. Adm. Code, which governs sick leave, have been modified through an emergency administrative rule to ensure sick leave can be used to provide care for family members, including specifically, child care due to school closures.

This means that sick leave can now be used to care for any member of an employee’s immediate family who requires their care, regardless of whether sick or not. Sick leave can now also be used to provide any “temporary care . . . for a limited period of time to permit the employee to make other arrangements” and no longer requires prior approval to use sick leave longer than 5 working days for care of family members. This change ends on Ocotber 8, 2020 when the emergency rule expires.

Documentation may be required. Employees should contact their agency payroll office regarding the possible consequences of using leave without pay.

3. Updated 3/23/2020 - What if members of my family are sick?

Use of sick leave, FMLA leave, or other discretionary leave will be administered in accordance with applicable labor agreements and state administrative code. See above regarding use of sick leave under the declared emergency. Use of discretionary leave may be limited. See previous question regarding leave requests.

4. What if members of my family who do not live in the same household as me are sick? May I stay home to care for them?

Use of sick leave, FMLA leave, or other discretionary leave will be administered in accordance with applicable labor agreements and state administrative code. Use of discretionary leave may be limited. See the second question on this page ​regarding leave requests.​

Expanded Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA): The Families First Coronavirus Response Act creates temporary amendments to the federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 which expands the scope of eligible employees, covers child care related to the coronavirus public health emergency, and guarantees paid leave at two-thirds an employee's regular rate for a certain period. See the Families First Coronavirus Response Act FAQ page for more information.

Note: This document contains answers to frequently asked questions for state employees and was prepared by the Wisconsin Department of Administration in collaboration with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.  If a pandemic occurs, more specific direction will be developed to reflect the appropriate practices based on the severity of the particular virus and the duration of the pandemic.  Responses below are in accordance with applicable collective bargaining agreements or state administrative code.  If you have additional questions, please ask your supervisor.​


Page Last Updated on 7-13-2020