Coronavirus - COVID-19

​​​​COVID-19 Information for State Employees

​When dealing with highly contagious diseases like influenza, employees need to stay home and not infect co-workers, clients, or the general public.  In the case of COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) currently advises that common symptoms include flu-like symptoms (fever (100.4° F or higher), cough or sore throat, headache or body aches, and in some cases diarrhea and vomiting) or symptoms of respiratory illness (fever (100.4° F or higher), cough, and shortness of breath).  Click here​ for a full list of symptoms. In order to slow or stop the spread of these illnesses, it is critical to follow these instructions.  

Stop the Spread - State Government Guidance

The Wisconsin State Government continues to apply COVID-19 related workplace policies in terms of the number of employees at the work site, social distancing requirements, personal protective equipment, cleaning standards, travel restrictions, etc. 

Stop the Spread Guidance Documents

​Guidance forExposures, Covid-19 Symptoms and Positive Tests

CDC guidance reflects the current science demonstrating that most transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19 occurs early in the course of illness. Per the CDC guidance, all employees and contract staff shall adhere to the guidance found at the below link regarding exposures, COVID-19 symptoms, and positive tests.  The CDC website also has a tool to help people determine if they need to isolate or take other steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19. (Please note that there may be additional guidance for corrections and health care personnel in congregate living facilities.)  

Link to General CDC COVID-19 page: