COVID-19 Information for State Employees
When dealing with highly contagious diseases like influenza, employees need to stay home and not infect co-workers, clients, or the general public. In the case of COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) currently advises that common symptoms include flu-like symptoms (fever (100.4° F or higher), cough or sore throat, headache or body aches, and in some cases diarrhea and vomiting) or symptoms of respiratory illness (fever (100.4° F or higher), cough, and shortness of breath). Click
here for a full list of symptoms. In order to slow or stop the spread of these illnesses, it is critical to follow these instructions.
Stop the Spread - State Government Guidance
The Wisconsin State Government continues to apply COVID-19 related workplace policies in terms of the number of employees at the work site, social distancing requirements, personal protective equipment, cleaning standards, travel restrictions, etc.
Stop the Spread Guidance Documents
Guidance forExposures, Covid-19 Symptoms and Positive Tests
CDC guidance reflects the current science demonstrating that most transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19 occurs early in the course of illness. Per the CDC guidance, all employees and contract staff shall adhere to the guidance found at the below link regarding exposures, COVID-19 symptoms, and positive tests. The CDC website also has a tool to help people determine if they need to isolate or take other steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19. (Please note that there may be additional guidance for corrections and health care personnel in congregate living facilities.)
Link to General CDC COVID-19 page: